Home Mexico Tips for Traveling from Texas to Mexico and Back Simple advice for...

Tips for Traveling from Texas to Mexico and Back Simple advice for making a successful trip.


Here are some tips for traveling from Texas to Mexico and back:

  • Learn all you can about Mexico and the areas you plan to visit before you go.
  • Use common sense during your trip.
  • Visit a Texas Travel Information Center for tips about visiting Mexico.
  • Visit www.getyouhome.gov for information about travel documents required to enter or re-enter the United States.
  • Obtain information about crossing into Mexico from a Mexican consulate or www.aduanas.gob.mx.
  • A tourist permit is required to travel in Mexico outside the 26-mile border zone.
  • For information about vehicle permits, visit www.aduanas.gob.mx. To apply online, visit www.banjercito.com.mx.
  • Make sure you are properly insured for travel and driving in Mexico.

Mexico Travel Advice

For general travel information about Mexico, visit www.visitmexico.com.

Important Mexico Travel Warning

WARNING: Possession or importation of firearms, weapons, or ammunition is a felony in Mexico, punishable by fines, confiscation, and jail time. Ignorance of the law or unintentional possession cannot be used as an excuse, and is not admissible as a defense. It does not matter if you are licensed to carry a weapon in any other place or for any reason at all, it is still illegal in Mexico without prior written permission from the Mexican Embassy in Washington D.C. or a Mexican Consulate in the United States.