Home USA Texas Texas Event Calendar throughout the Year Something's always going on in Texas!

Texas Event Calendar throughout the Year Something's always going on in Texas!


Omnibus version of the Texas Event Calendar. Month by month calendar with links to celebrations, competitions, festivals and events all around the state.

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Texas Event Calendar for January

Spindletop Anniversary Celebration, Beaumont. Recreation of the 1901 gusher that made Texas synonymous with oil.

Forth Worth Stock Show and Rodeo, Fort Worth. Rodeo and animal husbandry competitions. Parade, contests, auctions, food, drink and music.

Winter Games of Texas, Frisco. Annual state athletic competition with individual and team events.

Washington’s Birthday Celebration, Laredo. Over one whole month of fun, food, and entertainment celebrating the birthday of the first American President.

Texas Citrus Fiesta, Mission. Festival, parade, fun fair, beauty pageant, fun run, cook-off and more.

Pearland Winterfest, Pearland. Snow, rides, games, carnival and live entertainment.

Texas Event Calendar for February

Washington’s Birthday Celebration, Laredo. Over one whole month of fun, food, and entertainment celebrating the birthday of the first American President. Alpine Texas Cowboy Poetry Gathering http://texascowboypoetry.com

Brownville Charro Days Fiesta www.charrodaysfiesta.com
Galveston Mardi Gras Galveston www.mardigrasgalveston.com
Jefferson Mardi Gras Upriver www.mardigrasupriver.com
Port Aransas Whooping Crane Festival www.whoopingcranefestival.org
Port Arthur Southeast Texas Mardi Gras http://mardigras.portarthur.com
San Angelo Buffalo Soldier Heritage Day www.fortconcho.com
San Antonio San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo www.sarodeo.com

Texas Event Calendar for March

Fulton Oysterfest www.fultonoysterfest.org
Goliad Goliad Massacre Re-enactment www.presideolabahia.org
Hidalgo Borderfest www.myborderfest.com
Houston Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo http://rodeohouston.com
Mercedes Rio Grande Valley Livestock Show www.rgvls.com
Nacogdoches Azalea Trail http://azaleas.visitnacogdoches.org
Palestine Dogwood Trails Celebration www.texasdogwoodtrails.com
Sabinal Wild Hog Festival www.wildhogfestival.com
Sweetwater World’s Largest Rattlesnake Roundup http://rattlesnakeroundup.net
Tyler Azalea and Spring Flower Trail www.tylerazaleatrail.com
Washington Texas Independence Day Celebration www.birthplaceoftexas.com
Weslaco Texas Onion Fest www.weslaco.com/onionfest

Texas Event Calendar for April

Bastrop Yesterfest http://bastropyesterfest.org
Burnet Bluebonnet Festival www.bluebonnetfestival.org
Burton Cotton Gin Festival www.cottonginmuseum.org
Chappell Hill Official Bluebonnet Festival of Texas www.chappellhillmuseum.org
Corpus Christi Buc Days www.bucdays.com
Ennis Bluebonnet Trails Festival www.visitennis.org
Georgetown Red Poppy Festival www.redpoppyfestival.com
Houston Huston International Festival http://ifest.org
Linden Wildflower Trails www.lindenwildflowertrails.com
Mesquite Real. Texas. Festival. www.realtexasfestival.com
Muenster Germanfest www.germanfest.net
Port Aransas Texas SandFest http://texassandfest.com
Portland Windfest www.portlandtx.org/Pages/Windfest.aspx
Poteet Strawberry Festival www.strawberryfestival.com
San Antonio Fiesta San Antonio www.fiesta-sa.org
Spring Texas Crawfish and Music Festival http://texascrawfishfestival.com
Sugar Land Sugar Land Wine and Food Affair www.sugarlandwineandfoodaffair.com
Waxahachie Scarborough Renaissance Festival www.srfestival.com
Woodville Tyler County Dogwood Festival http://tylercountydogwoodfestival.org

Texas Event Calendar for May

Abilene Western Heritage Classic www.westernheritageclassic.com
Brenham Maifest www.maifest.org
Crystal Beach Texas Crab Festival http://texascrabfestival.org
Fort Worth Crowne Plaza Invitational www.crowneplazainvitational.com
Galveston AIA Sandcastle Competition http://aiahouston.org
Grapevine Main Street Days www.grapevinetexasusa.com
Kerrville Texas State Arts and Crafts Fair www.tacef.org
Pasadena Strawberry Festival www.strawberryfest.org
San Marcos Viva! Cinco de Mayo and State Menudo Cook-off http://vivacincosmtx.com

Texas Event Calendar for June

Albany Fort Griffin Fandangle http://fortgriffinfandangle.org
Aransas Pass Shrimporee www.aransaspass.org/Shrimporee.cfm
Boerne Berges Fest www.bergesfest.com
Canyon Texas Musical Drama www.texas-show.com
Crockett World Champion Fiddlers Festival www.crockettareachamber.org
Cross Plains Barbarian Festival www.barbarianfestival.net
East Bernard Kolache-Klobase Festival www.kkfest.com
Greenville Audie Murphy Days www.greenvillechamber.com/events
Jacksonville Tomato Festival http://jacksonvilletexas.com/pages/TomatoFest
Lockhart Chisholm Trail Roundup www.chisholmtrailroundup.com
Luling Watermelon Thump www.watermelonthump.com
Miami National Cow-Calling Contest and Steak Cook-Off www.miamitexas.org/cowcalling.htm
Nacogdoches Texas Blueberry Festival www.texasblueberryfestival.com
San Elizario Billy the Kid Festival www.billythekidfestival.com
San Saba Pecan Capital of the World Rodeo and Parade www.sansabatexas.com
Stonewall Stonewall Peach JAMboree and Rodeo www.stonewalltexas.com/peach_jamboree.html
Sulphur Springs Hopkins County Dairy Festival and Ice Cream Freeze-Off www.visitsulphurspringstx.org

Texas Event Calendar for July

Clute Great Texas Mosquito Festival www.mosquitofestival.com
Fredericksburg Night in Old Fredericksburg www.nightinoldfredericksburg.com
Friona Cheeseburger Festival and Cook-Off http://frionachamber.com
Houston Freedom Over Texas http://freedomovertexas.org
Kingsland Aqua Boom www.kingslandchamber.org
Laredo Laredo International Sister Cities Festival www.visitlaredo.com
Longview Great Texas Balloon Race www.greattexasballoonrace.com
Pecos Night in Old Pecos and Cantaloupe Festival http://pecostx.com/events
Sealy Sealybration www.sealycommunityfoundation.org/sealybration.html
Spicewood AquaPalooza www.aquapalooza.com
Weatherford Parker County Peach Festival www.parkercountypeachfestival.org

Texas Event Calendar for August

Camp Wood Old Settlers Reunion http://mycampwood.com
Dalhart XIT Rodeo and Reunion www.xit-rodeo.com
De Leon Peach and Melon Festival www.deleonpeachandmelonfestivalandtractorpull.com
Fort Davis Davis Mountains Hummingbird Festival www.fortdavis.com
Marble Falls Lakefest www.marblefallslakefest.com
New Boston Pioneer Days and Rodeo www.newbostontx.org
Perryton Wheatheart of the Nation Celebration www.perryton.org
South Padre Island Texas International Fishing Tournament http://tift.org
Taylor International Barbeque Cook-Off www.taylorchamber.org
Waco Margarita and Salsa Festival www.extracoeventscenter.com/margaritaandsalsafestival
Wichita Falls Texas Ranch Round-Up http://wichitafalls.org

Texas Event Calendar for September

Abilene West Texas Fair and Rodeo www.abilenevisitors.com
Alpine Big Bend Balloon Bash http://bigbendballoonbash.com
Amarillo Tri-State Fair and Rodeo www.tristatefair.com
Bandera Celebrate Bandera www.celebratebandera.com
Boys Ranch Carl Farley’s Boys Ranch Rodeo www.carlfarley.org
Brady World Championship Barbeque Goat Cook-Off http://bradytx.com/pages/WorldChampionshipGoatCookOff1
Buffalo Gap Chili Super Bowl http://chilisuperbowl.org
Caldwell Kolache Festival www.burlesoncountytx.com
Calvert Victorian Tea and Gala www.victoriancalvert.com
Comanche Comanche County Powwow http://comanchechamber.org/event/comanche-county-powwow
Dallas State Fair of Texas www.bigtex.com
Grapevine GrapeFest www.grapevinetexasusa.com
Hallettsville Kolache Fest www.hallettsville.com/pages/kolachefest.html
Lewisville Western Days Festival http://lewisvillewesterndays.com
Lubbock National Cowboy Symposium and Celebration www.cowboy.org
Marfa Marfa Lights Festival www.marfacc.com
Odessa Permian Basin Fair and Rodeo www.permianbasinfair.com
Plano Plano Balloon Festival www.planoballoonfest.org
Port Arthur Dick Dowling Days www.visitportarthurtx.com
Rockport HummerBird Celebration www.rockporthummingbird.com
Serbin Wendish Fest www.texaswendish.org/Pages/WendishFest.aspx
Tyler East Texas State Fair www.etstatefair.com
West Westfest www.westfest.com
Wichita Falls Falls Fest www.fallsfest.org

Texas Event Calendar for October

Beeville Annual Western Week Celebration www.westernweek.org
Ben Wheeler Fall Feral Hog Festival and World Championship Wild Hog Cook-Off www.benwheelertx.com
Cooper Delta County Chiggerfest www.deltacounty.org
Cuero Turkeyfest Celebration www.turkeyfest.org
Elgin Hogeye Festival www.elgintx.com/hogeye.asp
Flatonia Czhilispiel www.flatoniachamber.com/czhili
Frisco Lone Star Storytelling Festival www.lonestarstories.org
Gilmer East Texas Yamboree www.yamboree.com
Gonzales “Come and Take It” Festival www.gonzalestexas.com/come-and-take-it
Granbury Harvest Moon Festival www.granburytx.com
Gruene Music and Wine Fest www.gruenemusicandwinefest.org
Katy Katy Rice Harvest Festival www.riceharvestfestival.org
Llano Heritage Day Celebration and Chuck Wagon Cook-Off http://llanochuckwagoncookoff.com
Madisonville Texas Mushroom Festival www.texasmushroomfestival.com
Mineral Wells Crazy Water Festival http://mineralwellstx.com
Plantersville Texas Renaissance Festival http://texrenfest.com
Seguin Pecan Fest Heritage Days www.seguingonuts.com
South Padre Island Sand Castle Days http://sandcastledays.com
Tyler Texas Rose Festival www.texasrosefestival.net
Waco Heart O’ Texas Fair and Rodeo www.hotfair.com
Winnsboro Autumn Trails Festival www.winnsboroautumntrails.com

Texas Event Calendar for November



Texas Event Calendar for December


Cotton Bowl Classic Arlington. College Football playoff game. An annual bowl game which may also be played in January depending on the calendar.