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Bay of the Holy Spirit in Mobile Alabama Remembering Early Explorers and the History of the Gulf

mobile bay mobile alabama

Bay of the Holy Spirit was the first name given to Mobile Bay by the Spanish explorer Alonzo Álvarez de Pineda in 1519. History of the Bay of the Holy Spirit The earliest mention of a recognizable bay at the northern end of the Gulf of Mexico appeared in German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller's 1507 map of the the world, his famous Universalis...

Natchitoches Christmas Festival of Lights Enjoy lights, fun and festivities in this historic Louisiana town

natchitoches christmas

The City of Natchitoches invites you to celebrate the holidays at the Natchitoches Christmas Festival of Lights. Ranked as one of the top three holiday light displays by Yahoo! Travel.com, the Natchitoches Christmas Festival of Lights is a 45 night celebration of lights, fun and festivities set along the backdrop of downtown Historic Natchitoches and Cane River Lake illuminated...

Marble Events and Shows around the USA A Quick Guide for Marble Lovers and Other Curious Folk

marble crazy

Roundup of Marble Events Around the USA A month by month list of all the marble events we can find. Contact us to add an event. March Marble Crazy Bonner Springs, KS Annual Marble making demonstration and show. April Cambridge Area Collectors Show Cambridge, OH Collectors show and swap meet. June Des Moines Marble Show Des Moines, IA Annual show featuring exhibitions, displays, swap meet and...

Marble Crazy: Annual Marble Show Discover the World of Marbles and Marble Making

marble crazy marble events

Marble Crazy is a national event held annually in Bonner Springs, Kansas. Marble lovers from near and far come to see marble artists at work, watch marble making demonstrations, and view the amazing marble machine. Sponsored by the Moon Marble Company, one of the world's leading purveyors of marbles and marble related art.Marble Crazy at the Moon Marble Company is...

Kansas City Kansas: A Melting Pot of History and Culture Discover a tradition of good food and great fun in the heartland of America

kansas city kansas cider hill family orchard

Kansas City Kansas is a city on the eastern border of Kansas located at Kaw Point, the confluence of the Missouri and Kansas Rivers. Home to about 150,000 people, it is the third largest city in the state of Kansas and an important component of the Kansas City Missouri metropolitan area. Kansas City Kansas claims a long history for the...

National Historic Trails of the United States Explore the routes over which American history was made.

National Historic Trails are routes of significant historical and cultural value which have been designated for preservation by act of Congress and are included in the National Trails System. Most of the National Historic Trails are scenic highway routes rather than footpaths, although all of them provide hiking or other outdoor activities. There are a total of 19 National Historic...

Dry Tortugas National Park: A Tropical Paradise Discover the White Sands, Exotic Sea Life, and Colorful History of the Keys

dry tortugas national park

Dry Tortugas National ParkI am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus...

Edmund Pettus Bridge: A Civil Rights Flashpoint Brutal Suppression of Unarmed Marchers Awakens the Nation

Edmund Pettus Bridge

The Edmund Pettus Bridge is a National Historic Landmark in Selma, Alabama, famous as the starting point of the 1965 Selma to Montgomery protest march.

Petrified Forest National Park: Desert Beauty Explore colorful landscapes and unique treasures in the American southwest.

petrified forest national park

Petrified Forest National Park offers a unique variety of natural landscapes, unusual geological features, fossils, human history, and activities fit for all ages. It is best known for its extensive exposed fields of petrified fallen trees. It was named a National Monument in 1912 and became a National Park in 1962. Hours of Operation Petrified Forest National Park is open every...

Alabama Civil Rights Trail Preserves History of Struggle Walk in the footsteps of the Tuskegee Airmen, Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King

alabama civil rights trail

No state captures the trials and triumphs of the Civil Rights movement like Alabama, home to inspirational figures such as Rosa Parks, Dr. Martin Luther King, and the Tuskegee Airmen. Follow their stories and those of others in the struggle for equal rights along the Alabama Civil Rights Trail. Important Stops along the Alabama Civil Rights Trail 16th Street Baptist Church Birmingham...