Key dates in British History
43 Romans land in Britain.
440-450 start of Angle, Saxon and Jute invasions
1034 Duncan I becomes first King of all Scotland
1066 William the conqueror defeats King Harold at the Battle of Hastings to become the first Norman King of England.
1086 Publication of the Domesday Book, ordered by William the Conqueror to record the Great Survey of England and Wales.
1256 The first Parliament to include ordinary citizens
1533-34 Henry VIII forms the Church of England
1535 Act of Union with Wales
1558-1603 Reign of Queen Elizabeth I
1603 Union of the English and Scottish crowns. James VI of Scotland becomes James I of England
1642 Civil War breaks out
1649 Charles I executed, Parliament declares the commonwealth.
1707 Act of Union with Scotland
1721 Robert Walpole becomes Britain’s first Prime Minister.
1837-1901 Reign of Queen Victoria. Industrial revolution leds to growth of the British Empire.
1924 First Labor Government
1948 National Health Service introduced.
1973 Britain joins the European Community..
1999 Formation of the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Assembly.
2005 Terrorist attacks on public transport in London
2014 Referendum on Scottish Independence held.