Home USA Alabama Dexter Parsonage Museum & Interpretive Center Montgomery Alabama Residence of Dr. Martin...

Dexter Parsonage Museum & Interpretive Center Montgomery Alabama Residence of Dr. Martin Luther King

dexter parsonage museum

The Dexter Parsonage Museum in Montgomery, Alabama, was the home of Dr. Martin Luther King from September 1954 to February 1960. A modest nine room home, it includes furniture actually used by the King family.

It was here that King had his famous 27 January 1956 epiphany that propelled him into leadership of the American Civil Rights Movement.

The house, built in 1912, served as the Parsonage of the Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church from 1920-1992. It was entered into the National Register of Historic Places in 1982.

Dexter Parsonage Museum Highlights


Dining Room Enter the room where Civil Rights activists formed the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

Front Porch See the crater left by a bomb blast set off while Coretta Scott King and their baby Yolanda were inside the house.

Kitchen Observe the site of King’s 1956 epiphany about the need to speak out for justice and truth.

Pastor’s Study See where King worked and met colleagues during the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

The King-Johns Garden for Reflection

The King-Johns Garden for Reflection is a quiet place located behind the house. It has been designed as a place for visitors to reflect on the thoughtful words and teachings of two of Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist church’s historic Pastors, Vernon Johns (1947-1952) and Martin Luther King (1954-1960).

Dexter Parsonage Museum Interpretive Center

The Dexter Parsonage Museum Interpretive Center houses a video presentation and photos from the congregation remembering Dr. Martin Luther King and his family, a timeline of photographs of all 12 pastors who lived in the house from 1920-1992, a wall of Pastoral wisdom, historical photographs, and accounts of significant historical events connected to the church and Parsonage.

A gift shop on the premises sells souvenirs and books.


Dexter Parsonage Museum & Interpretive Center
309 S. Jackson Street
Montgomery, AL 36104

Telephone: +1 (334) 261-3270
Email: [email protected]
Website: Dexter Parsonage Museum & Interpretive Center

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